Posted by Vinayak on 11/28/05 17:01
Frank Olieu wrote:
> Vinayak wrote:
>>Using Mozilla composer, how to show quoted text ?
> I'm afraid you'll have to code it manually (in "source view") and use something
> like:
> <blockquote>
> <p>
> Quoted text goes here...
> </p>
> </blockquote>
what should I do if I wish to
a) blockquote and also have a border around the quoted text
b) show the quoted text on a different colour background
>>and ... How to decide the indent / margin (in inches or chars) for
>>quoted text ?
> With CSS. Try this on the previous example:
> <blockquote style="margin-left: 40px;">
> <...>
> You may use any of the following units: % , em , px , pt.
> You could also use *external CSS*, but this is beyond the scope of your
> question, I guess...
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