Posted by cwdjrxyz@yahoo.com on 11/30/05 07:04
cwdjrxyz@yahoo.com wrote:
> Geradeaus wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > anybody an idea why this doesn't work :
> > http://users.telenet.be/geradeaus/avi/tmp.html
> >
> > The movies seem to interfere with eachother, sometimes when I want the first
> > movie to stop, the second one stops, and after a while the browser (Firefox
> > or Internet explorer) crashes.
> >
> > Is it not possible to have multiple players in one html page? I tried the
> > same with the second player in a popup window, but I had the same problem.
> Your page works just fine for me and both videos start automatically
> nearly at once. However I am using SBC/Yahoo Pro DSL which has a
> measured download rate of 2.59 Mbps, and I get at least 2.4 when
> downloading from my server.
> It is likely that others had problems because you have autostarted both
> players, and their maximum available download speed can't handle all of
> the bandwidth. The first thing you need to do is insert a parameter
> into the player object to allow starting only on clicking the player
> play buttons. Then you need to decide on your audience and supply
> players at different download rates for at least medium DSL speed, and
> dialup speed, if you wish. Video on dialup leaves very much to be
> desired, even with a very good connection. See my media pages that can
> be reached at http://www.cwdjr.info/media/playersRoot.php . If you will
> check the scripted player link, you will find over 15 players embedded
> on the same page, but none of them start automatically, so there is no
> problem. My example is for audio, but the same principle applies for
> video. You just have to increase the height of the player enough to
> display the image as well as the control bar.Although I am using xhtml
> served with the correct mime type application/xhtml+xml with a php
> include to convert the page to html 4.01 strict for browsers such as
> IE6 that can not handle this mime type, you can write the code in just
> html 4.01 strict and avoid the php include, if you wish.
I had time to examine your page a bit more. With my high speed
connection, it is working on several recent browsers. However, as I
mentioned earlier, autostarting both players creates a problem for
those with slower connections. In addition, the sounds from both videos
are mixed and playing at the same time because both videos are
autostarted. I do not see any need to autostart either video, although
you could autostart only one.
Although the player objects are working, they use code soup -
unfortunately, very common even in large companies who could afford to
hire those who can write modern, valid code. They use an ActiveX object
with an embed within this object for browsers that can not handle
ActiveX. One embed alone throws 20 errors at the W3C validator. All of
this might be justified if it were the only way. However, as shown on
my media pages and elsewhere, it is quite possible to write a player
object that works on most browsers without using either ActiveX or
embed, and this can be made to completely validate even at xhtml 1.1.
Your page also needs to show what type of character encoding is used.
If you decide to try to give a stream that will work well on dialup as
well as one suitable for broadband, you may find that converting your
video to a wmv at about 30 kbps works best, but as I mentioned before,
video quality will not be very good on dialup. A Real video rm file
also would work about as well, although fewer people have the Real
player installed than have the WMP.
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