Posted by cwdjrxyz@yahoo.com on 12/08/81 11:33
cwdjrxyz@yahoo.com wrote:
> wr wrote:
> > How can i open few songs, one after another??
> If you are speaking of songs on a web page, redirector files allow
> playing as many songs as you wish in sequence. A .wax redirector file
> works for the WMP, a .ram redirector file works for the Real player,
> and .mu3 redirector files often are used for playing mp3s. These
> redirector files can contain the URLs of as many songs as you wish, but
> the structure of the .wax file is a bit different from the other
> mentioned two. There are some examples of multi-song redirector files
> for the WMP and Real players on my media pages that can be reached at
> http://www.cwdjr.info/media/playersRoot.php .
> Both .mu3 and .ram redirector files are just lists of the complete URLs
> of the songs, one on each line. The .wax redirector file has an xml
> structure, but it is simple to write once you see an example. An
> example for 2 songs is given in the WMP discussion on my media pages
> mentioned.
> The server must have the correct mime types for the file types used
> installed, but often this is already the case. If not, installing the
> mime types usually is fairly simple if you are allowed to do so
> yourself or if the person in control of the server will do it for you.
> The mime types used are given in my reference.
I have a wax redirector file for the WMP at
http://www.cwdjr.info/souearly/mix.wax . This plays several sounds in
sequence. Since the wax file switches so rapidly to a song url, it is
difficult to grab the source code. Thus I will copy the source code of
the wax file below.
<REF HREF="http://www.cwdjr.info/souearly/ColumbiaExpositionMarch.wma"
<REF HREF="http://www.cwdjr.info/souearly/rkbumblebee_mid.mid" />
<REF HREF="http://www.cwdjr.info/souearly/cat3_wav.wav" />
<REF HREF="http://www.cwdjr.info/souearly/Caruso1903_mp3.mp3" />
<REF HREF="http://www.cwdjr.info/souearly/evillaugh_wav.wav" />
You will notice that you can mix wma, wav, mid, and mp3 files in the
playlist as done above.
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