Posted by Cabbar Duzayak on 10/21/40 11:13
As the subject mentions, is fwrite method atomic in PHP? What I mean
by that is, does fwrite function acquire an implicit lock while
writing or do I need to explicitly acquire an EXCLUSIVE lock on the
file before I call fwrite?
The problem I am having is that, I want to track user requests by
logging simple request parameters such as user IP, request URI, etc.
instead of inserting into the db for avoiding overheads. And I will
have a cronjob read this data around midnight and write it into the
database (when there is little load on the server).
So, the questions I have is:
1. While writing this information, do I need to get an exclusive lock
before writing? Say I have a 200 bytes string, and 2 people call
fwrite at the same time with 2 strings, will they be written
sequentually or will it mix these strings depending on the O/S IO
buffer size.
2. While I am inserting this data into the database, I will have to
lock the file, dump them into the database and empty it. So, this
might make some users wait, which is something I am trying to avoid.
But, in anycase I will need to have a secondary lock object which
controls access to this log I guess, i.e. acquire secondary lock,
rename the file to .tmp or something, release the lock, and in the
meantime read from .tmp, parse it and put it in the db.
Any ideas?
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