Posted by Noodles Jefferson on 12/06/05 13:26
In article <glgap1dtcm2tmub870jo6ukd21fslkvlss@4ax.com>, Onideus Mad
Hatter took the hamburger, threw it on the grill, and I said "Oh wow"...
> On Tue, 6 Dec 2005 01:32:56 -0600, Noodles Jefferson
> <silverbells@tacoshells.com> wrote:
> >> http://conservation.ceq.gov/media/exhibithallandexhibitors.pdf
> >>
> >> Guess which one! He, he, he...we can make a game of it! ^_^
> >Dude, no offense, but this is waaaaay out of your league. Way too high
> >powered to be dealing with the Care Bear Boy from Backwater Productions.
> >
> >Just give this one up right now. It's sooooooo not happening.
> *snicker*
> Come on, Noodle Dick, it's no fun if you don't play the game. Come
> on, take a guess.
None of the above. I don't believe you at all.
> If you make a really big stink in your pants about it I might go ahead
> and put it up (with blurred sections).
Do what the fuck you like, it's all bullshit anyway.
> I have a lot of <strike>obsessed pathetics</strike> fans who like to
> try shit like this:
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.graphics/msg/b5cba3b29e5bf94f
Who gives a shit? Yay for them. You suck.
> Which is why I don't normally make a big habit of going around
> advertising who my clients are, I don't see much point in giving
> deficients like Lorem the opportunity to try and attack my clients
> because they can't get to me. With Steve it's not a problem cause
> Steve is a real cool guy, who thinks all lot of this Usenet melodrama
> stuff is kinda fun. But with most of my clients, especially the
> higher end ones, I feel the need to protect them from FREAKS on
> Usenet.
While I agree with the philosophy, you're part in it is overblown. You
code for crap and that's a real site. Gee, which one swayed them to your
awesome powers of webdesign? The site with the branded stupid fucking
images or the hatter blog that nobody gives a shit about?
> >> >> You can't even DREAM of getting clients on MY level, Sweetheart.
> >> >That would be what, the non-existant level?
> >> I'm not on your level, Poser Boi.
> >God damn right you're not.
> ...um...you DO realize you just auto-flamed yourself, right?
No, you're an idiot. A flat-out idiot.
> >You do the same thing everytime under the
> >same philosophy and you never learn from any of it.
> ...I rarely ever do the same thing, Kiddo.
Of course you don't. The stealing code for some dude's media interface
is a new low for you. I never said you didn't do different things with
code, but you code your sites the same way and it's retarded. It's not
really usable, mostly stupid, and honestly, doesn't speak well of you at
> Unless you're referring to
> your iframe obsession again, but like I'm tried to hammer into you
> COUNTLESS times, that's merely a preferred base layout.
Well, it is. Flash seems to dig it just fine. Everything around it is
usesless or stupid or annoying.
> There are two
> main "professional" type layouts Noodles, the first is to have a
> "portal" centered in the middle of the screen (which is what I prefer)
> and the other is horizontally centered content, that starts from the
> very top and may or may not have scrolling...and if it does you can
> tell the level of skill by whether or not the navigation controls stay
> on the screen whilst scrolling. In other words if you scroll down and
> suddenly the navigation is gone...yeah, bad designer.
Gee Matty, ya fucking think? People not being able to scroll up is bad.
Thanks, Capt. Obvious.
> Coincidentally, the later is actually used FAR more often than the
> "portal" style (often because it's easier), so again, I don't see why
> you're so obsessed with it.
Hell, you have flash and artistic skill. Sorta. Why aren't you just
doing the site in flash? Shit, they have to wait a million years for
content to get to their computer anyway, why not just finish the job,
and give people a better something to look at and make it a better
experience for them?
Oh yeah, because all your shit's fucking busted or doesn't work beyond
moving new content into the iframe. Shit dude, you barely used links
before I got on your ass about that. You did everything through a damn
Remember when you first busted out that yoga thing? It was hilarious.
Even better was that it took you forever to do it. Your sites work for
shit. I can't say it any plainer than that.
> >Shut the fuck up and learn something.
> >Please. For the love of all that's fucking tasty
> >and good, stop trying to pretend like you know anything.
> Noodle Head, you REALLY should spend less time repeating yourself and
> more time workin on yer nonexistent skillz. You've only come up with
> ONE site in the past, what...oh yeah, EVER. o_O
Everything keeps changing from semester to semester. I don't have time
to do any projects that I want to do. A lot of things were deprecated in
my first classes and I still have to evolve to today's newer standards.
That and like I said, it's school. Not the easiest thing in the world. I
don't have the time to apply the things I learn to projects I want to
> Come on d00d, you need to practice, go find a community, strip mine it
> for material, creating a bad ass site for it and then take the whole
> thing over...that's what the CB site of mine is...practice.
Strip mine. Listen to you. Hey man, why bother learning anything at all,
when you can just go out and snag someone else's look or code, right? I
mean let's face, you've already admitting to taking some dude's
thingamajigger because it was "prettay" and you wanted it. Fuck you. I
don't respect you, no matter how many fucking pretty pictures you make.
Go steal everyone's shit and call it reverse engineering, or making it
work, or whatever you want to call go steal everyone's shit. I have to
go read another class in the API.
> >Heh. Keep talking the shit mang. Hey, don't give your bullshit about
> >level because here's what I know and have done.
> >
> >I haven't made anything less than an AB since I started school.
> Look, Noodles...I'm only gonna say this one more time...school doesn't
> count, okay?
Cool. Then don't go. Bye. I won't convince you otherwise.
> You're at school to get a magic piece of paper to
> convince some corporate know nothing that you're at least remotely
> qualified for the position.
Honestly, it's not about the job. I want a degree before I die. I don't
want to die knowing that I never got one. Jobs. Shit, jobs'll be coming
to me before long. People ask for my help all the time. Especially in
> Hell, most jobs in the industry, you
> can't even get in the fuckin DOOR without a BA degree...and it doesn't
> matter how good you are.
Yeah it does. You're bullshitting yourself if you believe otherwise and
you're bullshitting yourself if you think you're just gonna slide in and
keep that job for very long. You say you know about object oriented
program and virutally proclaimed yourself lord and master over it and in
reality, your sites don't do a whole lot but make you look like a big
freaky fag who's bragging about sites that don't do dick.
> You could be the Jesus raping PICASSO of web
> design and yer not gonna get a job unless you have a degree or you're
> the luckiest son of a bitch in existence.
> The bottom line is YOU NEED TO PRACTICE...and you need to do it NOW
> while you're IN school. Cause when you GET OUT of school...yer gonna
> wanna have a portfolio ready to go.
But I'm not yet building a portfolio. I still have a semester in java to
go. I still have to learn ASP.Net and perl and all that database shit
that I can never fit in to the next registration sign-up.
> > I'm probably looking at straight A's for the
> >semster but I'm trying to keep myself humble.
> Kid, employers don't CARE what GRADES you got.
Yeah they do.
> They just wanna know
> whether you have the degree or not, if you do, you get an interview,
> if you don't, you don't get an interview...unless you bombard them
> with examples and go out of your way to convince them that you're
> capable of doing the job...but even then sometimes they won't hire you
> because they don't want to "rock the boat", since everyone else there
> will have a degree and they'll get all pissy and indignant if you're
> suddenly there makin the same wage they are without one...it's
> politics kid, it's how the business world works.
Not here. They don't fuck around here. I'll have the degree. That's why
I'm going to school. Yes, people prefer a 4 year degree. I've seen some
people trying to program and I'm far ahead of them. There's people
better than me certainly but I'm okay. I won't be hurting for coin for
much longer. Someone *will* hire me. Out.
> >In my first semester, I
> >was 5 points away from having a perfect score in one of my classes.
> You should be aiming for Bs and spending the spare time you save
> practicing your art and developing your techniques (applies to
> anything, even web coding)
Fuck no. I want all I can get. If I get a B, I'm not gonna commit
suicide over it. But I'm not getting a B, I'm getting A's. Fuck that.
What a retarded fucking thing to say. All. In. Out. Gone.
> >I taught myself how to read at 4. Level. Blow me.
> Reading is not the same as comprehending...and considering how much of
> my posts you often like to ignore, like the shit you keep retarding on
> about with the iframe...yeah, I'd say comprehension isn't something
> yer too good with.
You're confusing comprehension with tolerance for bullshit. I get bored
with jamming the clue board upside you're very thick skull.
> >That's your fucking
> >level. I make 2200 dollars a year fucking *learning* at my school, not
> >including my job at school.
> Is that all? It's too bad you don't know computer repair, you could
> be making a LOT more. When I was working on my AA degree I was
> pulling in about a $1,000 a month building people computers and fixing
> their old computers.
Then go do it. That's a handy skill to have. Thought about going back
and doing the networking program after getting the associates. I haven't
decided. The UW degree is worth more but it takes longer and it's more
of a pain, not to mention all the credits that won't transfer. Go to
school get another associate's in networking and now I have two but it's
still school and probably hard too. Not to mention that it's another two
years. And I'd like to find a job sometime soon. That's in the future
though. I need to get the one I'm in first.
> > I took the work study. It's worth it.
> >Doesn't pay very well but it beats McDonald's by a long country mile.
> In some states work study equals an automatic food stamp card, which
> is a real good deal. Like I'm going to be starting work on my BA
> degree this spring at SOU and if I do work study and meet the min
> income requirements (making $1200 or less a month) I can get a $150 a
> month food stamp debit card, pretty sweet deal. So when I'm in school
> I can be making $1200 a month, get $150 a month in food stamps, plus
> the usual federal grant money...fuck, college pretty much pays for
> itself...especially if you have the smarts to buy your books proper on
> like Amazon.com.
One flaw in the thinking. I don't sell my books back. I keep them.
Actually I might this semster provided I don't need it for the next one.
I don't mark up my books. Teachers tell you to do that. Don't. It
totally damages the resale value and you'll have to keep it. I don't
mark so I should be able to sell it back pretty easily.
> One neat trick with books, find out which classes and which
> instructors will let you use an earlier edition of the book, often
> times while say the 9th edition is $300 the 8th edition will be like
> $5...no, really, check it out sometime, I'm really not exaggerating.
Yeah right. You get hosed on books no matter what. Amazon's not a whole
lot better. I don't feel like fucking around for 3 weeks on ebay waiting
for some dink to get his shit together to send me the book either. I
need it ready to go, right then. Fuck, I don't pay for it. And I get to
keep it afterwards. That's come in handy. I usually have enough left
over to not worry about it. I'm broke as hell and I'm getting all A's
(ish). Financial aid digs me. There's usually been enough to either get
some tool that I need for the computer and to take a chunk out of some
I don't pay for software that I need. It's all free or there's an
agreement for it.
> Every quarter I was in school working on my AA degree, I actually MADE
> MONEY off my books at the end of the quarter, reselling them on campus
> after I bought them off Amazon.com
Possible. Schools hose you on the resale value. Especially if it looks
used. Then they'll give you a fucking nickel for it.
> There's a lot of other tricks too that you can use to kind of "work
> the system" to your advantage...hrmmm...maybe I should write a book
> about that too.
Matthew Lesko beat you to it and he's full of shit too.
> >More if consider the value of the education itself. It's hard. It's made
> >me cry before but I'm getting stronger everyday. By the time I'm done
> >with school, probably sooner, you'll be a little dot behind me.
> You're kidding yourself.
Not. At. All.
> Why you're doing mediocre busy work
> assignments I'm spending an incredible amount of time building my
> skill level.
You're spending an incredible amount of time building crap that doesn't
work for shit.
> Why the hell do you think I'm taking near a whole year
> off before starting work on my BA degree? It's chit like this:
> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/mine3.png
> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/glass.png
> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/horrible-tedium.png
> Practice, practice, practice...if you have the discipline you can
> increase your skill level at an exponential rate, especially if you
> use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity of complete strangers in
> random Usenet froups to overly critique your work and then use that
> completely unrealistic view as your base line. `, )
> >The projects are fucking hard and
> >detailed. We're given a spec sheet and it has to meet that standard or
> >we get dusted on points. There's style rules, there's syntax rules,
> >there's about a bazillion fucking hoops you have to jump through to get
> >there.
> I'm familiar with that kind of crap, Kiddo, I already have an AA
> degree. It was never anything more than child's play for me. I found
> the specific standards to be akin with training wheels, they actually
> made it even EASIER to complete assignments because they told you
> specifically what they wanted, it's was like crossing off a grocery
> list. LOL
True but I'll miss it when it's gone, I'm sure. Tell me what you want or
see me when you get your shit together.
> To me, "hard" would be dropping me off at the grocery store and being
> told: "Find all the ingredients to make a cheese souffle." under the
> prerequisite that I would have never actually made a cheese souffle in
> my life...of course, I'd probably call it more fun than hard, but
> that's just my nature...I love a challenge.
Here's a challenge. Quit looking like a ridiculous cock on usenet.
Souflee' away.
> >> >This reads like a homework assignment.
> >> Yeesh, I'd hope not.
> >That's exactly what it sounds like.
> You must have pretty easy assignments then. Hard would be how I made
> this:
> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/mine3.png
Ain't my homework assignment. Mine are a lot longer and more involved.
> I had NOTHING to work from but a single flat image:
> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/neat.png
> Just imagine how much you'd be struggling if your assignments were all
> like that. ^_^
I'll trade you. You can code 3 servlets, 4 jsp's, 2 classes in a
separate directory, while using file reading and writing to add people
and stock the site's lists and maps and coding it using MVC concepts.
Yeah, I thought not.
> >> Is that really how they're writing text books
> >> these days? I was completely vague in my methodology, I didn't even
> >> give any precise numbers, like I did on this one I made:
> >> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/transtext.png
> >>
> >> Now that reads like a textbook!
> >I didn't say 'textbook', dumbfuck. I said 'assignment'.
> ...is there a difference?
Yes. Pity that you don't know it.
> >> Oh hey, do you think I should? Write a text book I mean.
> >> Hrmmm...might be fun.
> >Do it. That'd be fucking awesome.
> Eh...maybe at some point...I need to finish that CB story though first
> (up to chapter 13 now, only 1 thru 4 has been properly copy edited
> though at this point)...the next time I start writing a book though
> I'm not gonna use a preexisting base...you don't even want to know how
> much the AGC wants out of any profit I make. I got in a pretty heated
> debate with them over it, but they hold the base rights, so I don't
> have much choice unless I just want to give it away for free.
Care bears fanfic. HAHAHAHAHAHA !!
Yeah dude, finish the gayest story ever.
Noodles Jefferson
mhm31x9 Smeeter#29 WSD#30
sTaRShInE_mOOnBeAm aT HoTmAil dOt CoM
"Our earth is degenerate in these latter days, bribery and corruption
are common, children no longer obey their parents and the end of the
world is evidently approaching."
--Assyrian clay tablet 2800 B.C.
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