Reply to Re: [SMARTY] Re: smarty templates vs. php templates

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Posted by Steve Manes on 04/07/05 15:57

Erich C. Beyrent wrote:
> However, I recently started a new job and they use Xtemplate. In
> speaking with one of the other developers, it appears that their
> argument for Xtemplate is that it is a pure display layer without any of
> the logic that Smarty has. Their view is that Smarty fails to fully
> seperate business logic from the presentation layer.
> It's like they are saying that any logic in the presentation layer is
> bad. I really disagree, but I was wondering if others on this list can
> help me come up with some arguments for my Smarty advocacy program.

You'll find the same schism in the Perl world with HTML::Template vs.
Template::Toolkit. The former is a very basic templating utility while
the latter is more akin to Smarty.

The argument I used in that situation is that you only have to use as
much [Template::Toolkit|Smarty] as you think appropriate. But if you
every *do* need more powerful features, they're there.

But I still lost the argument.

[Back to original message]

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