Posted by Jonathan Villa on 09/30/63 11:14
Well the top nav is going to be custom navigation build by a user/permission
management module I created some time ago..
the left and righ navs will be doing logic for something similar to portlets...
> What is inside of top_nav.php that you want to include? Maybe it should
> be ported over to native Smarty templates.
> Jonathan Villa wrote:
>>I've been trying to figure this out...
>>I have header.tpl and footer.tpl
>>Within header.tpl I want to include 3 pages of logic
>>I looked at include_php but read it was deprecated... and I read a little about the
>>cond.. templates but that didn't work out for me... when I ran it, I would an error
>>on using my $smarty instantiation... reason being, I'm not instantiating smarty on
>>the actual page but that another page which get's prepended...
>>Any ideas on how to include the top without using {php}
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