Posted by sprouts on 12/23/05 17:39
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Dec 2005 05:31:21 -0500, Stephen K. Gielda
> <steve@packetderm.com.bogus> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Gooooooooooo, CANADA!
>>>>>>>>Racist Site Taken Down by Canadian ISP
>>>>>>>>December 20, 2005 -- (WEB HOST INDUSTRY REVIEW) -- Canadian
>>>>>>>>Internet service provider Shaw Cablesystems (shaw.ca) recently took
>>>>>>>>down a Web site with white supremacist content after being tipped
>>>>>>>>by the human rights organization Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center
>>>>>>>>for Holocaust Studies.
>>>>>>>>The Canadian Homeland Migration Web site was located at a shaw.ca
>>>>>>>>user address. Leo Alder, director of national affairs for the
>>>>>>>>Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, said the site had language
>>>>>>>>reminiscent of the white supremacist David Lane and called for the
>>>>>>>>creation of a segregated "Whites Only" community in the Pacific
>>>>>>>>Northwest. It also linked to other racist Web sites.
>>>>>>>Unless those turkeys were actually calling for death and desruction,
>>>>>>>I have a problem with their site being taken down. I don't know
>>>>>>>about Canada but in the U.S., the First Amendment is there to
>>>>>>>protect all speach, even that which is politically incorrect. Those
>>>>>>>folks will simply put up another site somewhere else to spew their
>>>>>>>vitriol. At least we knew where they were.
>>>>>>The only speech that needs protection is that which is found offensive.
>>>>>I find your speech offensive, go put a condom on.
>>>>>Oh hey, where do you live? I want to get some red paint and write,
>>>>>"I'm a fucking KIKE killer!" on the side of your house...you or
>>>>>someone you know might find it "offensive" but you're okay with
>>>>>protecting it I'm sure.
>>>>>See, you always sound *SO* enlightened...until that mean 'ol Mad
>>>>>Hatter all comes along...but remember, I didn't make reality, I just
>>>>>hammered yer fuckin skull into it six or eight times.
>>>>The fact that you can't tell the difference between vandalism and speech
>>>>tells all.
>>>Oh so it's VANDALISM now, is it? It's neat to watch you sit there
>>>squirming for semantics. Do pray tell though, child, what is your
>>>definition of VANDALISM...think REAL slow now...slower than you
>>>normally do...cause there's an awfully high chance I'm gonna take
>>>whatever you say and point out some giant fucking oversight that's in
>>>turn going to make you look like a retarded goober...more so than
>>>normal. If I were you...I'd just run the fuck away from this
>>>thread...of course if I were you I'd have a LOT less sense, now
>>>wouldn't I? ^_^
>>If you need someone to explain to you how vandalism is different than
>>freedom of speech then we are done right here
> Oh shit, everybody look out, Stevie is backpedallin now!
Wait, did the company take it down, or did the Canadian govt
get involved?
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