Posted by Mark Parnell on 12/17/95 11:36
Deciding to do something for the good of humanity, Curtis
<nospam@nohow.not> spouted in alt.html:
> 1. Are there existing CSS techniques whch would allow
> something like this, at least in part?
You can specify multiple things at once, e.g.
..header, .left_sidebar
background-color: #059FBA;
> 2. If not, is it theoretically possible to generate CSS
> sheets with PHP, which would allow the declaration and use
> of constants and functions?
Absolutely, as long as it sends the correct mime type (text/css). E.g.
header("Content-Type: text/css");
$masterColour = "#F830C2";
* {background-color: <?php print($masterColour); ?>;}
Mark Parnell
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