Reply to Re: Lookin For Testers - Flash Version Detection

Your name:


Posted by Steve Leyland on 01/08/06 06:32

Hi. This is the meow-send program at usenet. I'm afraid I wasn't able to
deliver any clue to the following address: "Onideus Mad Hatter"
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

: Easy breezy, just go here:
: And then tell me what happens and what OS and browser ya got.

XP Pro SP2 and Firefox 1.5 here.
Works fine, oddly cursor flashes to the right of and underneath the blue
area, but not the left or top.

: In theory if you don't have Flash 8 it should show a plain text saying
: you need to get Flash 8 and it'll give you a link. If you have
: Javascript disabled it should do something similar (although no link,
: since enabling Javascript is up to you). And then if you have
: Javascript enabled and you have Flash 8 then it should show the
: content and it should be all peachy and work like it should...well in
: theory.
: That cursor alteration thing could use some work and I'm not entirely
: happy with the volume control. All in all though it's a vast
: improvement over the original:
: The new versions base size has been cut in half, the video clips have
: all been cut down to 1/3 of their original size and it should be fully
: cross browser compatible now (so long as you have Flash 8 and
: Javascript enabled).

Steve Leyland
mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41
flower: three 6 four 9 five 8 eight 9
em ess en: my 1st name at purgatory dot org
Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept)


If parents would only realize how they bore their own children! -
George Bernard Shaw
"My suggestion is to completely ignore idiots like Leland. They are the
lowest form of pond scum. People like him have tried unsuccessfully in
the past to disrupt the newsgroup. The best medicine is to completely
ignore them. As I'm sure you'll see, they're most intelligent response
is to yell nasty names. Other than that, they have nothing."

JG, netKKKop, alt.sailing.asa
"Warning to all:
Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order. Killfile the
muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past
UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. *plonk*"

Bear, netKKKop,
"I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless
post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of
Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless,
dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid,
obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed,
flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed,
physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing,
masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal
POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and
for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus
slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets."

Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa
"I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires."

William Blake.
"When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of
people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in
deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as
Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."

Native American prophecy

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