Reply to Re: Using a photo-editor to make web pages - how can I reduce the source code?

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Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 01/08/06 10:20

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Joey" <> writing

> Hi there,
> Please don't laugh, but I am using my photo editor (Ulead Photoimpact
> 11) to create my website. I simply do not have the time needed to
> learn html

HTML is easy and hand coding takes up much less time than using a WYSIWYG
and having to fix its problems later.

> and frontpage

Oh, the Humanity!

> and I have been using Photoimpact for years
> and this one is pretty good - in that I can create rollover objects
> and banners, menus etc with great ease.

Images with text can be a problem, especially if the text is small. There
is no way for the user to resize (except for Opera). If you want to do
rollovers, use PI to make buttons/backgrounds for the different states, and
use CSS to do the actual rolling over. Google for CSS rollovers, there are
many examples.

> So I am almost content with
> it, except for the length of time it takes to load the page on screen.

I have been using PI since version 3, but I would never rely on it to
produce HTML.

> A colleague who knows HTML had a look at it and said that the source
> code is 5 pages long whereas most sites are about 2, and he says this
> is why browsers load the page so slowly.

One of the things PI does is it relys on tables to position objects.
Tables should be used for tabular data. Tables can take a long time to
load, especially if they are large, or have other tables embedded in them.
> Is there anyway I can reduce this?

Not really. You're better off starting over. You can, of course, copy and
paste any text. Use a Strict Doc Type and CSS.

You see, by putting all your presenation into a stylesheet, you can use the
same stylesheet for the entire site. Say for example, you have a menu
that's in a table, and you need to make it wider. With CSS, you change the
width in the stylesheet, and it changes the entire site. Without CSS, you
have to change every single page.

> Cheers in advance,
> Lost.Joey (at gmail...)

Adrienne Boswell
Please respond to the group so others can share

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