Posted by cwdjrxyz on 01/09/06 04:19
Frank Solis wrote:
> To copy the body of e-mails sent in MIME format, you can got to the part
> that starts with <!DOCTYPE ..... and clean it up so that it adapts to
> WebTV e-mail HTML. This works if the e-mail only consists of text.
> However, the pictures cannot be copied. The pictures are of the form
> such as the following samples:
> src="cid:013e01c607d4$816726c0$"
> src="cid:014001c607d4$816726c0$"
> The ScrapBook can identify and capture them. How can I do it without
> going through the Scrapbood routine? It would make it a lot easier to
> send these as HTML posts to ngs if I could translate the
> "cid:..............." into an URL directly.
> Your help will be appreciated. Kindly send me a direct reply.
Unfortunately the MSNTV(former WEBTV) NGs are behind a firewall and
cannot be reached by those on computers or the new MSNTV box either.
You likely could find some Yahoo and MSN groups that concern MSNTV.
There is a board at that has many former MSNTV
old box users and also has some topics about the new MSNTV box - a very
different animal from the old one.. You may have to join the group to
post on some subjects.
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