Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 01/15/06 03:06
kchayka wrote:
> GreyWyvern wrote:
>>>>According to the spec, empty <p></p> tags should be ignored completely.
>>"We discourage authors from using empty P elements. User agents should
>>ignore empty P elements."
>> - http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/text.html#h-9.3.1
> FYI, "user agents *should*..." only makes it desirable behavior, not
> required.
If you think about it <p></p> structurally make no sense, a paragraph
with *no* words. But we all know why it is usually is done, the author
wants more space above another block, which is a *style* issue. Should
be done
..moreheadroom { margin-top: 3em; }
<p>Some bit of info, blah blah blah...</p>
<p class="moreheadroom">Ah! Now that is better...</p>
Take care,
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