Posted by Joe Barta on 01/19/06 19:15
Dylan Parry wrote:
> Pondering the eternal question of "Hobnobs or Rich Tea?", Joe
> Barta finally proclaimed:
>> Why does it only bring up IE? Damn good question. I'd like to
>> hear the answer to that one myself.
> I think you might have answered that yourself when you wrote:
>> It then becomes an "application" that uses IE components.
> As it is using "IE components", surely it makes sense that links
> from the application would only open within IE?
Well, that's the easy answer. And like many easy answers it might not
be the correct one. Many times I have found that my simple take on a
situation has been horribly muddied up by someone that knew a few
things that I didn't know or considered a few things that I didn't
consider. So, on that basis, I'll hold off on answering myself ;-)
Joe Barta
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