Posted by Gιrard Talbot on 01/20/06 09:18
cwdjrxyz wrote :
> Michael Winter wrote:
>> On 16/01/2006 03:10, cwdjrxyz wrote:
>>> [...] bugs, such as the CSS background-color bug for Mozilla family
>>> browsers [...]
>> The BODY element is rendered just like any other block-level element,
>> and only extends to surround content that is in normal flow. As such,
>> the background colour will not be rendered across the entire viewport.
>> The HTML element is the document root, and setting a background colour
>> there will cause it to be rendered as you'd prefer.
> Call it a bug, or whatever you wish, but the fact is that if you write
> an html page and view it on IE6, Mozilla family, or Opera browsers, the
> background color extends to the bottom of the screen if the content
> does not fill the whole screen, if you declare the background-color in
> the body section of the CSS style sheet.
For HTML 4.01 documents, yes: that is the expected behavior. Not for
XHTML documents.
However if you convert the
> page to proper xhtml 1.1 and serve properly, IE6(gets html strict
> instead of xhtml) and Opera still extend the background color to the
> bottom of the screen for a non-full screen,
Which is a reported bug at Opera, bug 176629.
XHTML body background propagates to canvas
while the Mozilla family
> browsers stop the background color at the end of the content displayed
> on the screen, with bright white instead of black to the bottom of the
> screen in my example. I perhaps can think of better names than bug for
> this problem, which are not suited for this group :-).
It was resolved as invalid several times at bugzilla.
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