Posted by cwdjrxyz on 02/02/06 08:20
John Salerno wrote:
> Don't shoot me for asking, please! :)
> I was reading about the aims for XHTML 2.0 and I noticed that instead of
> having h1-h6 elements, they will use <section> and <h> elements to
> better structure the content. But I was wondering, if you use this
> method, how would it be possible to style nested <h> elements within a
> section? Example from an XHTML 2 document:
Have fun, and each to their own. I do true xhtml 1.1. However xhtml 2
is not yet final, new browsers likely will be required for some of it,
and it is not yet included at the W3C validator. Thus I plan to wait
until something is at least final, there is final validator to check
your code, and there are browsers available to take full advantage of
it. But then, there are likely some who will find the study of xhtml 2
at this stage more interesting than doing a crossword puzzle, and
likely it will be more useful. Just now, likely most people would find
more practical use from learning more about codes that will help at
present. For example learning more PHP, Javascript, and possibly Perl
would benefit many. If that is not enough, there are all sorts of
things you can do on a server if you learn Java and C++ well.
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