Posted by Stan McCann on 10/05/68 11:39
dorayme <doraymebutuse777insubjectline@optusnet.com.au> wrote in
> In article <MPG.1e54b8b9b292a2949897af@news.isp.com>,
> Neredbojias <invalid@neredbojias.com> wrote:
>> With neither quill nor qualm, Familyman quothed:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I've just uploaded my website and would appreciate some valuable
>> > feed-back from the HTML peer group. Any suggestions for
>> > improvement? Comments? Its at www.astutechoices.com
>> >
>> > Hank
>> Looks pretty darn good to me! I only looked at opening page and
It is a nice looking page on the surface. But you, Neredbojias, being
one of the regulars in this group w/c/should be as sickened by that
code as I was. Yech.
>> didn't view source, but the page rendered almost identically in
>> "the big 3" (- IE, Firefox, and Opera.) The only diff I saw was
>> the thumbnails seem to left-align (locally) in IE while centering
>> in the other two.
>> Appears quite professional and erudite.
> So it does but now look at the source Boji...
Or try to validate it. As someone else said, "bizarre mix of CSS and
'tag soup.'"
Learn HTML and CSS. That does not mean throw a bunch of stuff into
some WYSIWYMG (What You See Is What You *Might* Get) editor.
Note to OP:
I came down kind of hard on your coding because it is bad, don't take
it personnally, take it as constructive criticism letting you know that
you have some things to learn.
I don't *know* about everyone else, but my guess is that most people
read/post on this group to learn. Why else take the time? I am
constantly improving my skills and much of the knowledge for
improvement comes from this group.
Stan McCann, "Uncle Pirate" http://stanmccann.us/
Webmaster, NMSU at Alamogordo http://alamo.nmsu.edu/
Now blocking Google Grouper posts and replies.
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