Posted by Richard Lynch on 04/22/05 12:13
On Thu, April 21, 2005 12:48 pm, Srinadh Sannidhanam said:
> Hi
> When I use $_REQUEST for accessing files uploaded, it is working
> fine in PHP PHP 4.3.10.
> But it is not working in PHP 4.3.4.
> $_FILES working in both the versions. Can I use $_REQUEST in PHP
> 4.3.10 also? Do I need to change any configuration in php.ini?
> server is Apache/2.0.49
> Please help me in this regard.
When $_REQUEST doesn't seem to work with file uploads, it almost always,
in my experience, means I forgot the ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" on the
FORM tag.
I did that several times, over the years, before it became a habit to type
it for file uploads.
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