Posted by Stan McCann on 02/18/06 21:27
"Steve Kostecke" <spamtrap@ntp.isc.org> wrote in
> Hello. I'm wondering, say I have a centered bit of content (and
> center of screen, so probably 100% width for that div), like so
> <div align="center" style="width: 100%">
> Some content that's centered
> </div>
> How exactly does one add something aligned to the right but in the
> same "row" or "line" if you will (the right align content is not
> under the centered, but to the right of it, with the centered
> content still being in center, and not pushed over or anything.
> So it would come out something like this:
>| Centered Content Right Aligned |
See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#propdef-float. Enclose
your right side content in an appropriate element and style that
element to float to the right. It will then hug the right margin.
Apply left instead of right for left side.
http://alamo.nmsu.edu/catalog/ shows an old example (scroll down). I
hadn't visited that page in quite some time. Looks like it needs some
work again (I'll do it in the site revision I'm in the process of).
Stan McCann, "Uncle Pirate" http://stanmccann.us/
Webmaster, NMSU at Alamogordo http://alamo.nmsu.edu/
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