Posted by Erland Sommarskog on 09/13/05 13:48
vassone (vassone@gmail.com) writes:
> Sub OpenDB( myRS, myConn, mySQL)
> Execute "Set " & myConn & "=Server.CreateObject(" & chr(34) &
> "ADODB.Connection" & chr(34) & ")"
> Execute myConn & ".ConnectionString =" & chr(34) &
> Integrated Security=SSPI; Persist Security Info=False;User ID=iusr_ljmu;
> Initial Catalog=HEAPADLive; Data Source=SQLSER2" & chr(34)
> Execute myConn & ".Open"
> Execute "Set " & myRS & "=Server.CreateObject(" & chr(34) &
> "ADODB.Recordset" & chr(34) & ")"
> Execute myRS & ".ActiveConnection = " & MyConn
> Execute myRS & ".Open mySQL," & myConn & ",1,2,1"
> End Sub
> should I be using "cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc"
Yes. I don't really understand why you get the error message, but you cannot
get the value of the output parameter when you do it this way. There is no
place to recieve the value of the parameter.
Instead use the Command object, and then use .CreateParameter to add
parameter. For each parameter you can specify the direction. You can also
use .Refresh to get the parameter list filled in automatically, but this
requires a server round-trip, so it's not the best for performance.
I'm sorry, but I don't have any samples to show on CreateParameter (I
don't speak ADO that fluently), but it's documented in MSDN Library.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel@sommarskog.se
Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at
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