Posted by Simon Hayes on 09/27/05 16:37
That probably depends on what client library you're using to connect to
MSSQL - ADO has Cancel and CancelBatch methods, for example, as well as
a CommandTimeout property. Also see "query governor cost limit Option"
in Books Online - you can configure the server not to run queries which
exceed a certain estimated cost. If your application crashes (ie. the
connection is closed) MSSQL will automatically clean up the connection
and roll back any transactions.
If you have stability problems, and given the security problems around
letting users submit arbitrary SQL queries, you might also consider
using a reporting application to retrieve the results (if reporting is
your goal, of course) - Reporting Services is free with MSSQL, for
If this doesn't help, I suggest you give some more information about
your environment - MSSQL version, client library etc.
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