Posted by Andrew J. Kelly on 10/07/05 23:05
If the table is smaller on the local server then why not create a sp on the
remote one that joins these two tables and call the sp remotely?
Andrew J. Kelly SQL MVP
"Ootyguy" <npravin@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Trying to do this all day and googling for answers but found none, hope
> someone can help. Thanks in advance.
> select * into
> OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','SERVER';'uid';'pwd',##test)
> from LocalTable
> Reason: I am joining local tables with linked server tables using the
> format "LinkedServer.database.owner.object" to execute a query, it
> takes forever to execute since the tables joined on the remote servers
> have more than 50Mil records. I read somewhere that sql server needs to
> copy the tables locally to the temp db and does the join there, hence I
> was hoping to dump the data of the local database into a temp table on
> the remote server and then do a join with OPENQUERY, which will execute
> the query on the linked server and return the results.
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