Posted by Susie-Q on 09/26/46 11:31
Thanks for replying to my post. I now understand that the sp_refreshview
updates the meta-data for the view. I assume the meta-data is in one of
the system tables.
However, I would like to know if my script could be written differently.
The sp_refreshviews raises a 'fatal' error when it cannot recreate a
view. I had originally tried to capture the error code using @@error but
as soon as the 'severe' error was encountered it kicked me out of the
loop. I found that I could validate the view with the above select
statement. It also fails when it encounters an error message but allows
me to capture it and continue to loop. Do you have any suggestions or
insight into a better way to handle the error issue? I need to loop
through the views in each database. I never know what views are or are
not in them.
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