Posted by Morten Mikkelsen on 11/19/05 00:01
On my SQL Server 2000, I have a table of data (tblAllData) containing a
number of columns, some of which are 'secret'.
I have to let some users access the database using ODBC from an Excel
sheet, and I would like that they do not know at all that the columns exist.
I tried creating a view for them (qryAllData) that only selects the
columns that should be visible, but when the creating the
ODBC-connection, both the query and the underlying table shows up.
If I select the table as datasource, the query-builder in excel shows a
list of all the columns, including the secret ones. If I try selecting
then, of course, an error occurs.
I would like either that the columns for the table don't show or that
the table does not show at all - and only reveals the existence of the
view to the odbc-client.
Is that possible?
Here's what I tried so far:
USE DbAllData
sp_addlogin @loginame='ODBCAccess', @passwd='ODBCAccess', @defdb='DbAllData'
sp_grantdbaccess 'ODBCAccess'
sp_addrolemember @rolename = db_denydatawriter, @membername = ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.syscolumns TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.syscomments TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysdepends TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysfilegroups TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysfiles TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysfiles1 TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysforeignkeys TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysfulltextcatalogs TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysfulltextnotify TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysindexes TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysindexkeys TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysmembers TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysobjects TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.syspermissions TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysproperties TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysprotects TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysreferences TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.systypes TO ODBCAccess
DENY SELECT ON dbo.sysusers TO ODBCAccess
--allow selecting
GRANT SELECT (idx, col1, col2) ON tblAllData TO ODBCAccess
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