Posted by Mr Gabriel on 11/24/05 20:17
Hi to all,
I'm trying to use the copy database wizard to copy a database from the
2000 version to the 2005 version of sql server. I choose not to copy
logins so I expect to find a database with only an administrative login
o none at all. When I start the created package it throws an error
errorCode=-1073548784 description=Executing the query "EXEC
dbo.sp_grantdbaccess @loginame = N'PresIng1', @name_in_db = N'PresIng1'
" failed with the following error: "'PresIng1' is not a valid login or
you do not have permission.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with
the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set
correctly, or connection not established correctly.
I told the wizard NOT to transfer logins. What is it doing?
In the origin engine there's mixed mode auth (win + sqlserver) and in
destination engine there's only win auth: can it be an issue?
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