Posted by David Portas on 10/01/65 11:33
Astra wrote:
> Hi All
> Can you please help me with a few queries on adding a header line and
> padding rows out.
> I apologise profusely for not providing the DDL for this, but I don't have
> it. All I have is stored procedure that I'm trying to edit to make the
> front-end app display the right data.
> The relevant part of the stored procedure that I'm working on is as follow:
> Declare StockHelpCursor Scroll Cursor For
> Select s.StockID,
> ISNULL(sd.ShortDescription, s.StockID) +
> space(30-len(ISNULL(sd.ShortDescription,
> s.StockID))) +
> pl.name +
> space(10-len(str(pl.name,10,3))) +
> sp.currencyid + str(sp.sellingprice,10,3) +
> space(10-len(str(sp.sellingprice,10,3))) +
> str(sq.quantityinstock)
> From Stock s, StockDescriptions sd, StockQuantities sq,
> StockPrices sp, PriceLevels pl
> Where (s.StockID Like @theID) And
> (ISNULL(sd.ShortDescription, sd.StockID) Like @theName) And
> (s.StockID=sd.StockID) And
> (s.StockID=sq.StockID) And
> (s.StockID=sp.StockID) And
> (sp.PriceLevelID=pl.PriceLevelID) And
> (sd.LanguageID=@theLanguageID) And
> (sp.CurrencyID=@theCurrencyID)
> Order By s.StockID
> Open StockHelpCursor
> PLEASE NOTE: this query works fine apart from the following problems:
> 1) Creating a header line - I need to insert a header line to this cursor
> for the field headers, as the app is stripping off this header. I was
> thinking of creating a var, sticking it in-between the Declare and the
> Select part and inserting these field headers, but I don't know how to do
> this. Any ideas?
> 2) Padding the results - As you can see from the script, I have tried to pad
> out the above fields as the app's output window is basically a textbox, but
> they just don't line up.
> NOTE: I'm using the 3 in the str(xxx,10,3) bit to make my numbers show at 3
> decimal places.
> Could you please give me some pointers on how I can pad these out correctly.
> Thanks
> Robbie
Please do not multi-post! I replied in
David Portas
SQL Server MVP
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