Posted by gjvdkamp on 12/03/05 21:09
Here's another one:
If you know in advance what the different types of degrees are going to
be you can use this query:
select personid,
Min(Case when Degree = 'Md' then degree end) as 'Md',
Min(Case when Degree = 'Phd' then degree end) as 'Phd',
Min(Case when Degree = 'Rn' then degree end) as 'Rn'
from Degrees
group by PersonId
If you dont know in advance what degrees you can expect in the db, you
can use a cursor to produce the 'min(case ... end) as .., ' parts on
the fly:
declare @DegName varchar(50)
declare @Sql nvarchar(4000)
declare c cursor FAST_FORWARD for
select distinct degree from degrees order by degree
open c
fetch next from c into @DegName
set @Sql = 'select personid '
while @@Fetch_Status = 0
set @Sql = @Sql + ', Min(Case when Degree = ''' + @DegName + ''' then
degree end) as ''' + @DegName + ''' '
fetch next from c into @DegName
close c
deallocate c
set @Sql = @Sql + ' from Degrees group by PersonId'
print @sql
exec (@sql)
Erland, i actually learned this dynamic sql from you!
Hope this helps,
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