Posted by Steve on 12/07/05 16:14
Steve wrote:
> Jens wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> what about this:
>> Create Table #Serverinformation
>> (
>> Information VARCHAR(500)
>> )
>> INSERT INTO #Serverinformation
>> EXEC('master..XP_cmdshell ''OSQL.EXE -L''')
>> Select * from #Serverinformation
>> Where Information like 'Somepattern'
>> HTH, jens Suessmeyer.
> Jens,
> Looks promising. I presume that "OSQL.EXE" is an either an application or
> an executable ActiveX object. If "OSQL.EXE" is not on our standard
> workstations, then I will look on the server and use a query. Hopefully,
> "OSQL.EXE" has an exposed interface to VBA; that would be ideal.
> Best regards,
> Steve Caldwell
I looked here: <http://www.sqlteam.com/item.asp?ItemID=5403>. Looks like
between the help in the newsgroup and this, I should be successful.
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