Posted by Dan Guzman on 01/26/06 14:18
Since you are building a string, try casting the numeric values as a string
type when you concatenate the value. Also, consider handling NULLs:
COALESCE(CAST(MyIntColumn AS varchar(10)), 'NULL')
You can find an generalized script to generate insert statements at
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Mossy" <tomas.breen@gmail.com> wrote in message
>I am currently moving a table from a msSQL DB to a MySQL DB.
> I am trying to build the bones of an insert statement by adding strings
> to a select statement.
> SELECT '(' + job_referenceno + ', ''' + job_title + ''', ''' +
> job_category + ''', ''' + job_type + ''', ''' + job_location + ''', '''
> + job_duaration + ''', ' + job_salary + ', ''' + job_contactperson +
> ''', ' FROM JobDetails WHERE job_active = 1;
> This works perfectly until I try and pull an int column from the Table.
> When I add a column to the string that is INT the query returns 0 rows,
> with no errors.
> Can anyone help explain / overcome this?
> Regards,
> Tomas
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