Posted by Doug on 10/01/48 11:38
you guys all missed it.
his first example is two ordered tables that are then unioned. In his
business problem, the final result is not ordered.
In his second example, he is ordering a table.
In order to solve his businss problem, the solution is:
CREATE VIEW vwRouteReference
select * from
SELECT tblItem.ID,
tblItem.Numb + ' - ' + tblQuestion.DescrPrimary AS FullName,
tblItem.Numb, tblQuestion.DescrPrimary AS Type
FROM tblItem INNER JOIN tblQuestion
ON (tblItem.ID = tblQuestion.Item_ID)
WHERE (((tblItem.Category_ID)>0))
SELECT tblItem.ID,
tblItem.Numb + ' - ' + tblItem.Type + ' : ' + tblItem.Class AS
tblItem.Numb, tblItem.Type + ' : ' + tblItem.Class AS Type
FROM tblItem
WHERE (((tblItem.Type) = 'Assignment' OR (tblItem.Type) = 'Check' OR
(tblItem.Type) = 'Route'))
This is the brute force way.
Fundamentally, you are unioning two data sets, then ordering them, then
returning them.
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