Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/06/05 14:32
phpWalter wrote:
> We solve the prolbem by defining a base "vars.php" file at the "root"
> of the site.
> In there we define paths to constants, and then these constants are
> used to INCLUDE files as needed.
> var.php
> define( INCLUDE_PATH, '/my/path/includes/');
> now I can incluse my files as Ineed
> include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'base_functions.php';
> All you need to do is update that one constant as you move from site to
> site and it works fine.
> Linux or windows.
> walter
Looks like unnecessary work to me. And what happens if the root
directory of the site is moved? Or you need to use the same pages on
another server? Everything breaks until you change your var.php.
I'd rather use something like:
This changes automatically based on your Apache document root setting.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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