Posted by Michael G on 09/08/05 17:52
If I only escape the characters that mysql_real_escape_string recognizes, is
this adequate protection against SQL injection attacks?
I have read a number of archived posts plus I've read some of the info at I am still not convinced as to what to do. The php folks claim that
using mysql_real_escape_string is all that is needed. Then on the other
hand, there is a myriad of opinions about that. I think I am inclined to
side with the php folks.
One thing that bothers me about the mysql_real_escape_string is that it
doesn't escape "--" which is a comment. One justification for this is that
it would have to be delimited with an " ' " before it would have any affect.
But I am not totally sure about that either.
Finally, what does the "real" mean in mysql_real_escape_string?
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