Posted by google on 09/13/05 16:03
My login.htm takes the value (a password) of a textfield and POSTS it
to page2.php. This works correctly.
The first thing Page2.php does is start a session, put the password in
it, then open a MySQL database, and insert various values (which start
off NULL) and then closes the connection. Following this, an HTML form
is displayed and the user enters values. This form is POSTed to itself
(no 'action') and the idea is that the php at the head of the page will
run the SQL query again with the new values. Unfortunately, on
reloading the page, my $_SESSION['pass'] variable has nothing in it.
the relevant code looks like this ;
$_SESSION['pass']=$_POST['pass']; //posted from login page
$pass=$_SESSION['pass']; //turn it into var for MySQL
The first time I get to this page, via login page, it works correctly
because the password is posted. When it rePOSTs to itself however, the
$_SESSION['pass'] remains empty. Does the php need to be inside the
form ?
I have tried adding session_write_close() directly after writing
$_SESSION['pass'], but to no avail.
Thank you
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