Posted by Gordon Burditt on 10/09/05 04:58
>I just purchased a new domain name and I've set it up as a redirect to a
>folder on my main site. What is happening is the index.php page checks a
>session variable to see if the user is logged on and if not it displays a
>login screen. However, after loggin in it just keeps coming back to the
>login screen because the session variables are getting lost.
Cookies set in one domain are *SUPPOSED* to get lost (or at least not
be sent to) a site in another domain. It's a security feature. It's
also not clear whether that's what you are doing or not.
>I inserted "session_write_close()" prior to the header("Location:
Aren't redirects supposed to use ABSOLUTE (full path) URLs?
>and it now is working on my developement computer but on 2 other
>computers it is still just coming back to the login screen.
Gordon L. Burditt
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