Posted by Gerald Aichholzer on 10/11/05 09:33
Tim Roberts wrote:
> Gerald Aichholzer <> wrote:
>>I am using the Prade framework which includes a slightly
>>modified version von adodb 4.61 and I am working with M$
>>Access databases via OleDb (TAdodb is a wrapper class of
>>the ADODB ADOConnection class):
>> $source = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;".
>> "Data Source=d:\temp\test.mdb";
>> $this->connection = new TAdodb();
>> $this->connection = &ADONewConnection('ado_access');
>> $this->connection->setFetchMode('Associative');
>> $this->connection->Connect($source);
>>Although I have activated associative fetchmode I only
>>get field indices in my query results. Using SQLite as
>>database (which is unfortunately not an option for my
>>current project) it works as expected.
>>I have already searched Google, the phplens-forum and the
>>adodb mailing list, but haven't found anything useful.
>>Is this a known bug/feature of adodb?
> Doubtful. The reference page for ADOdb shows that SetFetchMode wants an
> integer, not a string. Try the constant ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC instead of
> 'Associative'.
Thanx for your answer - I have discovered this shortly after having
written my above message. But unfortunately it didn't change anything.
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