Posted by Mark Rees on 10/11/05 18:06
The first thing to check is if your installation is using the version of
php.ini which you think it is.
Run a script containing only
and take a look.
If that's all OK, then did you stop IIS when installing PHP and Apache? If
not, try uninstalling and reinstalling with IIS stopped.
> Although I've been programming for over 30 years I am new to web
> development.
> As an introduction I've been using a book "PHP and MYSQL Web
> Development" by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson.
> I've set up an Apache Server v1.3.31.
> I've also installed MySQL V5.0.13 and PHP v 5.0.5.
> I've gone through the installations several times. I'm reasonably
> confident about the Apache Server but I have a problem with the
> interaction of the PHP and MYSql.
> I'm trying to connect to a MySQL database using PHP. I'm using the new
> mysqli_connect structure. I've also tried the straight procedural
> version mysqli_connect function.
> When I run the code I get a "Call to undefined function mysqli_connect".
> I've set up my PHP.ini file to point to the correct php ext file and
> I've included references to the php_mysqli.dll but I still get the error
> message.
> In addition if I stop and then restart the Apache server - which is
> linked into PHP - I get an error message saying that PHP can't find the
> module php_mysqli.dll.
> I'm sure I have defined my extension_dir correctly as
> extension_dir = "C:/PHP/ext/"
> I know the dll is in this directory but it is not getting picked up. As
> this is currently a total block can anyone help please!
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