Posted by Oliver Saunders on 10/14/05 12:44
This is an amazing opportunity to win a tin of sardines if you can
answer this difficult question correctly!
What kind of loop do you need to turn an array like this:
$notes = array(
into a list like this:
Obviously in the real world you would probably never encounter this
problem but i'm interested to see if anyone can solve it.
- Code must display every element in all the arrays
- Code must nest the lists as the arrays are nested
- Code must be able to adapt to any level of array or list nesting
- <ul>s and <li>s must be terminated correctly with </ul> and </li>
- Not allowed to reformat var_dump(),print_r() or var_export() you
cheeky bastards
- Submissions must be receieved by November 1st and can be direct to
my email ole_v2@dsl.pipex.com if you wish to prevent others stealing
your ideas.
I thought you might be able to use a foreach loop starting like this:
$parsearray = 'notes';
foreach ($$parsearray as $key => $value) {};
and then change the $$parsearray to the name of the nested array as you
find them and then "continue;". You would need to use a stack go back to
the previous array and position once that particular nest was done. May
or may not be right.
Winner gets a tin of sardines delievered to their door. Tin will be a
lot like this one
http://www.oceanbeauty.com/images/Commander%20Sardines%20side.jpg only
better cause I will have touched it. Code is judged on many areas such
as how compact, elegant and flexible it is.
Good Luck and... Go On!
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