Posted by specjal on 10/14/05 22:23
in form TEXTAREA i have text like:
bla bla http://www.google.com/bla/bla/bla text text text text
now how to make from this text like:
bla bla ['http://www.google.com'] text text text text
['']-> url to http://www.google.com/bla/bla/bla
I wrote this script:
Were error is?
ps. sorry , my english is not good.:)
function string_url($text) {
$arr=explode("\n", $text);
foreach( $arr as $val)
if( strlen($val) > 1 )
$arr2=explode(" ", $val);
foreach( $arr2 as $val2)
$findme = 'http';
$pos = strpos($val2, $findme);
if ($pos === false)
$arr2[$i] = $val2;
else {
$tekst="<a HREF=\"$scheme://";
}//koniec 2 forech (slowa)
$slowa=implode(" ", $arr2);
$arr[$j] = $slowa;
$arr[$j] = $val;
}//koniec 1 forech
$text_nowy= implode("\n", $arr);
return $text_nowy;
if ( $tresc) {
echo string_url($tresc);
} else {
print "<FORM METHOD=POST > </B><B>title:</B><BR>";
print "<TEXTAREA NAME=tresc ROWS=30 COLS=60
print "<br><INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"add!\"><br><br>";
print "</FORM>";
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