Posted by scott Johnson on 10/20/05 01:45
But if you wanted to import a javascript variable, you can put it in a
form as a hidden field and submit it to the process php page and then
access it by $_POST[].
There may be an easier way, but that is how I have done in in the past.
I have yet to find a need for it in any of my current projects, so this
method may be obsolete.
But like Jason said, nothing screams 'amateur' then a site that says
"Best viewed in...."
Jason Hodges wrote:
> -J
> Good Man wrote:
>> (mbasil7) wrote in news:fdf7cf3e.0506281447.6ff0f5a6
>>> Hi at all!
>>> I want to use a javascript variable in php. The reason is that i want
>>> to know the client's screen resolution.
>> hold up the PHP and go back to HTML/Web design basics.
>> You should NEVER design a site based upon screen resolution. EVER.
>> Learn how to write flexible HTML/XHTML/CSS before embarking on PHP.
Scott Johnson
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