Posted by Justin Koivisto on 10/21/05 21:38
Robizzle wrote:
> I've been working on some php scripts that I want to release under the
> GPL and I'm looking for the best way to share the code with everyone.
> I always liked websites that had a <textfield> and put the source into
> the field, it allowed for easy copy and pasting as well as the ability
> to read the code without having to download a file, save it somewhere,
> then open it up, and lastly it preserves formatting. So on my page
> that shows source I have...
> <form>
> <br>Source of makenews.html<br>
> <textarea cols=80 rows=30><?php $filename='makenews.html.source';
> if(is_readable($filename)) if (readfile($filename) == false) echo
> 'error reading '.$filename; ?></textarea>
> <br>Source of makenews.php<br>
> <textarea cols=80 rows=30><?php $filename='makenews.php.source';
> if(is_readable($filename)) if (readfile($filename) == false) echo
> 'error reading '.$filename; ?></textarea>
> ...several other documents here, you get the idea
> </form>
> Which works great, except if inside of the sourcefile somewhere there
> is a "</textarea>". When it runs into this, my page actually closes
> the text box there and the rest of the source spills out into the html
> document just as plain text would have. Is there any way I can custom
> define the escape character for an html <textarea> such that, for
> example, to terminate it I would have to say </textarea-source> or
> something similar?
> If not, or if you think you have a better way: how do you all share
> your source? I could just make links to download the actual files but
> I much prefer having all the source on the webpage.
> Sorry, I guess this is more of a html question than php but I'm also
> willing to hear any php solutions that you guys may have.
> You can see an example of my problem here:
> http://www.cse.msu.edu/~meyerro3/projects_files/Makenews/sources.broken.php
> Notice it works fine for shownews.php and main.css, however for
> makenews.html my textarea gets closed then my div (which gives the
> light blue background) gets closed and a submit button is sitting
> outside of the source box. For makenews.php the problem is even worse,
> you can see in that link how bad it gets.
On my site, I use this:
<div class="example">
<?php highlight_file('filename.php'); ?>
Then I use CSS to stylize the rest.
You could also do something along the lines of:
<textarea><?php echo htmlentities(file_get_contents('filename.php'))
Justin Koivisto, ZCE - justin@koivi.com
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