Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/25/05 05:17
Ramon wrote:
> LOL, oh please, the purpose of my post was not to proove that mine is
> bigger then yours and vice verser. But it is evident from your
> statements, that your views are very limited, and that all you are
> trying to do is proove how great you are that you can code PHP in a text
> editor. Look, congratulations, you've prooven it.
This is the farthest from the truth I've ever heard. I was responding
to your statement:
"And anyone that stated in this thread that they don't need anything
more then textpad, obviously have not worked on a large scale PHP
This statement is completely asinine. You have NO idea what projects I
or most other people on this newsgroup have worked on.
> Furthermore you are not providing any real life examples to your
> argument. Why is the IDE slow and limiting? You also completely ignored
> my argument on run time debugging, simple walking over your inline
> print_r()'s.
No, I don't have to. It works for me.
However - I'm typically thinking several characters or words ahead of
what I'm writing. And auto-completion, popup assists, etc. are a huge
distraction to me. Amongst other things.
Debugging is nice, I do admit. But I don't need to WRITE my code in an
IDE to be able to DEBUG it. I typically get along fine with echo,
print_r, etc. But I know how to use a debugger when I need it.
> I've been in the industry for over 10 years, but that is not the point
> and to be honest, every company/university I walked into. Was using
> TextPad, but after I showed them how to use Zend non of them went back
> to a simple Text editor. It improves productivity by at least 75%.
Damn - another newcomer. I've got almost 30 years of seniority on you.
And yes, it does improve productivity of programmers who don't know what
they're doing, don't understand the language and/or don't want to
remember the functions. I find it quite easy to remember function names
and parms - and when I do need to look something up, the online help is
a click away.
> Yet, you argument states, and I quote:
> "Interestingly enough, it was the most experienced programmers with
> their text editors who invariably had the highest production and fewest
> errors."
> That statement alone in my opionion reinforces the fact that you haven't
> even taken the time to try to develop something in Zend. Because if you
> put 2 identical developers next to each other, one with Zend the other
> with TextPad, and give them the same task. The one with Zend is going to
> be sipping margaritas in the Bahamas, by the time your *old school* guys
> reaches the unit testing phase.
To repeat - I HAVE used Zend and other IDE's. And I'll take you on ANY
DAY. You don't have a leg to stand on with your limited experience.
> There is a reason that people who founded / were strongly involved in
> the development of PHP it self started Zend - the company. There is a
> reason that they charge quete a large sum for their software. Because
> they know its good, they know that people will earn more money using it
> then they will pay for it.
Yep, it's good for the newbie and those who don't want to bother to
learn the language, functions, etc.
> And honestly I hate to get personal, and compare each other's e-penises.
> But I'm sure your next reply will lack any indepth thought or industry
> insight. It will simply say, I've worked on blah blah, and the person
> with TextPad was so much quicker, because the memory load on his machine
> was alot lower, due to TextPad using so few resources... blah blah.
Yep, just like any newbie. Think they know everything.
My point is - NO IDE IS RIGHT FOR EVERYONE! You're trying to make EVERY
PROGRAMMER fit into the same mold. WE DON'T!
> Ahh... don't make me laught.
Why not? Your post was the biggest laugh I had all day.
And don't top post.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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