Posted by Ramon on 10/25/05 05:40
And in the past few years I've learned PHP
Key sentence I believe.
> Second, it's not your position to tell me what my emotions are, and I
> would appreciate it if you would refrain from doing to. I am not worked
> up over this.
Wish granted.
> And, BTW, it has been scientifically proven you *can* teach an old dog
> new tricks. They learn quite well.
What with a 5 min attention span? Sure repetition is they key, I'll try
to repeat my self more often.
> Not in the least.
> Your statement is that any programmer who doesn't use an IDE such as
> ZEND isn't as productive as one who does.
On large scale projects *YES*.
> My statement is that an IDE is NOT for everyone. Some people do even
> better by not using one.
Very hard to belive, not sure how many people would use a texteditor
alternative to .NET tech.
> Let's see - you try to fit everyone into one mold. I try and make the
> mold to fit each individual. Who's a brick wall?
I'm not trying to fit anyone into anything, it is my personal opinion to
which I am entitled.
> Could be. I am quite willing to correct misstatements by some new guy
> who thinks he's an "expert".
There are quete a few people who are of the same opinion in this thread
alone. They are all *new guys*.
> And I don't give a flying shit what you think.
> Let me clue you - training in the corporate world is MUCH different than
> in a university. For instance - I have to fit the equivalent of a
> semester into one week. That means teaching C, C++, or Java from the
> ground up.
Good, I am glad that we have come to an understanding at least on this.
If you don't give a shit, don't correct me or insult me, and go hide in
the hole you crawled out of. The OP asked for an opionion, which I gave
who gave you the write to critises that? Fucking armchair bandit.
> Every course has critiques of both the course material and the trainer.
> And if I don't do a good job, they find someone else for the next course.
You seem to ahve alot of time on your hands atm, not many contracts
going your way. BL.
> Gee, you work for a community college? Or are you one of those "not so
> good" lecturers?
No, actually Information Technology Services for a major reasearch based
University. 2 degrees, 1 in comp. science (australia), and 1 in Moscow's
MGU also comp. science, not that your arrogence would allow you to know
what that is.
> It is ONE way to go. Not the ONLY WAY.
CBF repeating again, even though I do realise taht repetition is
paramount here. As old dogs do... learn... well...
> > And btw - I really don't think much of anyone who can't be bothered to
> follow newsgroup standards. One of the standards for this newsgoup does
> NOT include top posting.
That is just sad. You don't think much of me? :) My confidence is shattered.
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