Posted by Andrew DeFaria on 10/25/05 09:38
Ramon wrote:
>> My statement is that an IDE is NOT for everyone. Some people do even
>> better by not using one.
> Very hard to belive, not sure how many people would use a texteditor
> alternative to .NET tech.
Personally I wouldn't touch .NET with a 10 foot pole! It's, from what I
hear, the ultimate in unnecessary complication.
Listen, while function completion, syntax highlighting and the like are
cool, I spend far more of my time doing basic editing than just function
calls or function call headers. Editing of characters, lines, code - my
code, is what is done more often. While an IDE might gain me some
convenience in the areas of function call completion it's not where I
spend the majority of my time. Having to sit and learn all the
functionality, and worse yet, lose of functionality, in plain text
editing would be a major productivity hit to me.
Additionally, as a scripter and system admin, I deal in a plethora of
languages, including, but not limited to, PHP, Perl, Bash, Awk, HTML,
sed, Visual Basic (Yes unfortunately), etc. XEmacs handles all of them
with ease and similarity, whereas an IDE geared toward PHP probably
wouldn't handle Bash very easily. And having, installing, configuring,
learning and keeping up to day 5 different IDEs for 5 different
scripting languages was never something I've aspired to do...
>> Let's see - you try to fit everyone into one mold. I try and make
>> the mold to fit each individual. Who's a brick wall?
> I'm not trying to fit anyone into anything, it is my personal opinion
> to which I am entitled.
You are as entitled to your opinion as we are to ours...
>> Could be. I am quite willing to correct misstatements by some new
>> guy who thinks he's an "expert".
> There are quete a few people who are of the same opinion in this
> thread alone. They are all *new guys*.
Again, McDonalds food is popular - it ain't, however, good food...
>> And I don't give a flying shit what you think.
>> Let me clue you - training in the corporate world is MUCH different
>> than in a university. For instance - I have to fit the equivalent of
>> a semester into one week. That means teaching C, C++, or Java from
>> the ground up.
> Good, I am glad that we have come to an understanding at least on
> this. If you don't give a shit, don't correct me or insult me, and go
> hide in the hole you crawled out of. The OP asked for an opionion,
> which I gave who gave you the write to critises that? Fucking armchair
> bandit.
As you say, is he not also entitled to his opinion? (As am I?)
I hit the CTRL key but I'm still not in control!
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