Posted by Prathaban Mookiah on 09/29/93 11:15
Is it true that ob_start("ob_gzhandler") can cause problems on IE 5.5+?
Since IE <any-version> is on the client side, it shouldn't cause any problems
to ob_start(), in that case any other PHP function.
In my experience output buffering functions can be bizzaire at times.
Especially if you are using it with a register_shutdown_function. Be cautious
and test your program thoroughly before moving it into any production site.
Is there any function to do this (I'm using PHP 4.2) ? Or maybe some user has
already done it?
I guess it is a matter of string parsing using something like str_replace().
I'm not sure!
---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Kirsten" <neretlis@westnet.com.au>
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Sent: Fri, 6 May 2005 14:59:15 -0300
Subject: [PHP] Reducing size of htm output
> I need to reduce the size of the HTM generated by a PHP script for faster
> transmission. I'm actually using ob_start("ob_gzhandler") but I also
> need some function to reduce the size of javascript blocks, deletion
> of unnecesary blanks, etc.
> For example, Code A:
> <head><script>
> function any(){
> somecode;
> }
> </script>
> </head>
> <body>
> </body>
> can be converted to Code B:
> <head><script> function any(){ somecode; }</script></head><body></body>
> 1) Is there any function to do this (I'm using PHP 4.2) ? Or maybe
> some user has already done it?
> Thanks a lot,
> Kirsten
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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