Posted by Andrew DeFaria on 10/31/05 05:37
paul wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 06:08:57 +0000, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>> Ramon wrote:
>>>> At least he can spell... ;-)
>>>> And he doesn't need to "proove" it!
>>> haha, well sure, you got me there, english isnt my first language,
>>> but I can speak & write 4 languages fluently, how many can you? ;)
>> Are you counting computer languages! ;-)
>> Why does it matter if one can speak multiple languages anyway! I
>> speak 'merican! That's all that matters! :-P
BTW: I was putting forth a joke. But since you wish to be serious about
this and sling mud... well let the mud sling!
> <OT rant>
> LOL, clearly the arrogant limited view of an 'merican.
Yes I do have an arrogant view (I don't think it's limited, however).
I'm a jerk and an asshole and proud of it! I decided long ago that
"fureigners" will call Americans arrogant no matter what you do. And I'm
not about to go kissing butt of anybody who wishes to levy such a
charge. As I've often said, if I'm gonna do the time then I might as
well do the crime! Here comes the crime...
> Maybe you did not notice but the world is larger than the U.S. of A.
Yeah but all of the rest of it is irrelevant.
> And if you want to sell your product outside your country it
> definitely helps to speak a little more than 'merican.
I ain't selling any products nor anything outside the country so
personally I couldn't give a ratt's ass. And even if I were selling
stuff outside the US there are plenty of people who will buy without
insisting I speak their language. Evidence of this abounds...
> Maybe most people in the world have learnt to speak some English, and
> that is why you get away with it.
Ah ha! Well think about that statement a little harder there bud! Cause
it just contradicts your previous statement by directly saying that
people will learn and deal with English (only) speaking people because
we often have what they need. They don't do it out of the goodness of
their heart nor because they somehow find English fascinating. They do
it because they need to or want to someday go to a Western country or
the US to raise their standard of living. They do it because knowing
English raises their value the most, whereas say learning Hymalayan
won't do them diddly squat!
> But it helps a lot in building a relation ship with your customer (and
> sell more!) when you even try to speak a few words in their language.
> But what do you care?
Actually - no! It's by and large not necessary as they will learn your
> Most people know that Americans are superficial and only interested in
> short term profits and don't care about building a basis for future
> growth.
Most people are jealous of others. So what?
And Americans are not only interested in short term profits. It's more
that they are not interested in building a basis for future growth with
you because they don't see you as something that has much potential. If
there is much long term potential we will build a basis for future
growth. What you don't understand is that very often it just is not
worth our effort because the ROI is too little.
> I know that I am generalizing, but I have found that this is true for
> a majority of the Americans I know personally. Most are nice and
> decent people, but still arrogant.
When you got what it takes you can be arrogant.
> Why do you think the rest of the world loves the 'mericans so much???
Because we got what they want. It's pretty simple really...
> Do not start telling me that I have not met any real Americans, I did,
> I lived in your beautiful for a few years.</OT rant>
Oh I'm not saying you haven't met any real Americans. You perhaps don't
understand them.
How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?
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