Posted by Stephanie Le Gall on 11/18/05 13:29
"Erwin Moller"
<since_humans_read_this_I_am_spammed_too_much@spamyourself.com> a ιcrit dans
le message de news:437db180$0$11074$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl...
> Stephanie Le Gall wrote:
> <snip>
> >
> > Thank you I'm going to have a look ...
> > But one more question .... The automation is done from ie directly on
> > client poste, not on the server ... is it possible to turn down a server
> > this way ?
> The automation is done in IE-'browser'??
> Well, no server is involved if you do that, I expect.
> So in IE you create WORD and Excell objects?
> (Are you aware that every sensible websurfer turned these options off in
> for websurfing? Or are you developing for a 'thrusted zone'?)
Yes, we have to active the Activix on ie-browser and low the security ...
but the application is on a 'thrusted zone', a secured network.
> You claimed before you where doing it on the server.
> Are you sure this time? ;-)
> Me a bit confused. :P
Yes, I'm a bit confused myself, development is ok, but talking about servers
and technic (etc.) is not that easy ...
In fact the client access the php application via ie-browser, so the script
that generate the Activix on javascript is on the server.
This script open Word on the client PC like this :
var fin = "C:/symphonie_modeles/<?=$doc?>";
var out = "C:/symphonie/<?=make_name($doc)?>";
var word = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
then replace variables on the Word document on the client PC by automation
> Anyway: if your server is leaking memory, while ONLY serving HTML and
> running some scipts , and no instantiating of any COM objects is performed
> on the server (except the standard stuff, like databaseconnectivity), well
> then I expect the memoryleak is caused by something else than IIS.
> We are talking about IIS, right?
so as I told you previsouly the Activix script is runing on the server ...
> Are you sure it is IIS that is causing the leaking?
> Did you see its image/memfootprint grow on the server?
Well, I'll have to check with the server administrator to be 100% sure ...
> I mean, if you are running M$, almost anything can be the cause of
> M$ was/is famous for that.
> (A long time rule-of-thumb for M$-administrators was: reboot every night)
What a good new ! I think I'm gonna kill myself ! ;o)
> You might do some profiling on the server to drill down to the right
> that is causing the server to run out of mem.
> (These things can be hard to pinpoint.)
Yes, that's why I'm a little bit depresed ;o)
Do you know what can we could use to do this profiling, cause I'm not a
server administrator myself ... and the server administrator doesn't seem to
be that good (with all my respect ...)
> Sorry I cannot be of more help.
Thank you anyway it helped me a lot to know that Activix and automation can
create memory leak anyway ;o)
Really thanks a lot !!! ;o)
> Good luck!
> Regards,
> Erwin Moller
> >
> > Thanks again
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