Posted by Chris Fortune on 04/01/05 11:13
# uname -a
Linux stargate.mxc-online.net 2.4.20-021stab022.2.777-smp #1 SMP Wed Jul 28
MSD 2004 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
I recompiled PHP with mcrypt, openssl, and curl
phpinfo(): http://www.canadiandropshipping.com/hello.php3
Does anyone know why this ssl curl test fails?
it hangs on curl_exec(). I posted the code below.
Here is the easyapache config I used. It compiled without errors. Did I miss
something? Are there known issues with this combination of software?
+----------------------- Main Menu ------------------------+
¦ +------------------------------------------------------+ ¦
¦ ¦[ ] Apache 2 Support (Experimental & Very Broken, Not
¦ ¦[*] Expires Module
¦ ¦[*] Raise FD_SETSIZE to 16384 (System Wide)
¦ ¦[*] Prevent Users from reading other webroots
¦ ¦[*] Frontpage Module
¦ ¦[ ] Gzip Module (experimental)
¦ ¦[ ] Perl Module (not required to run .cgi scripts/not
¦ ¦Php Module --->
¦ ¦[ ] PHP suEXEC Support
¦ ¦[*] Report Build Errors to cPanel
¦ ¦[ ] Reset Apache Config to Default (last resort)
¦ ¦[*] Rewrite Module
¦ ¦[ ] Skip Apache Build if up to date
¦ ¦[*] SSL Module
¦ ¦[*] suEXEC Module
¦ ¦[ ] Verbose Build (show configure and gcc output)
¦ +------------------------------------------------------+ ¦
+-------------------- Php Module Menu ---------------------+
¦ +------------------------------------------------------+ ¦
¦ ¦[*] Php Module
¦ ¦ (*) Version 4.3.10
¦ ¦ ( ) Version 4.3.8
¦ ¦ ( ) Version 4.3.9
¦ ¦ ( ) Version 5.0.2 (TESTING)
¦ ¦ ( ) Version 5.0.3 (TESTING)
¦ ¦ (*) Bc Math
¦ ¦ (*) Calendar Support
¦ ¦ (*) Curl
¦ ¦ (*) Curl SSL Support
¦ ¦ (*) Dom XSLT
¦ ¦ ( ) Exif
¦ ¦ ( ) Flash
¦ ¦ (*) FTP
¦ ¦ (*) GD
¦ ¦ ( ) GetText
¦ ¦ ( ) Iconv (experimental)
¦ ¦ ( ) Imap Module
¦ ¦ ( ) Java (must already be installed, or install w
¦ ¦ ( ) Mb String
¦ ¦ (*) Mcrypt
¦ ¦ ( ) Memory Limit (experimental)
¦ ¦ ( ) Mhash
¦ ¦ ( ) Ming Support
¦ ¦ (*) Magic Quotes
¦ ¦ (*) Mysql Module
¦ ¦ (*) Openssl Support
¦ ¦ (*) Discard Path
¦ ¦ ( ) PDFlib (requires license for commerical use;
¦ ¦ (*) Pear
¦ ¦ ( ) Postgresql (will break 7.2.x or earlier, plea
¦ ¦ ( ) Pspell Module
¦ ¦ ( ) Sablot XSLT [may cause problems with chili!as
¦ ¦ ( ) SafeMode
¦ ¦ (*) Sockets
¦ ¦ ( ) Use System Mysql
¦ ¦ (*) Track Vars
¦ ¦ ( ) Freetype Support
¦ ¦ (*) Versioning
¦ ¦ ( ) WDDX
¦ ¦ ( ) XML RPC
¦ ¦ ( ) Zip
¦ ¦ (*) Zlib
¦ +------------------------------------------------------+ ¦
PHP Code:
file created on 2/23/2004 to test CURL
function ssl_connect($url,$variables=0,$parse_variables=0,$
global $SC;
// check for presence of CURL
if (!function_exists("curl_init")){
// only display CURL error message if it hasn't been displayed
if (!$SC['no_curl']) print "\n<!-- Squirrelcart Error: You are using
a service which requires CURL, and it is not enabled on your web
server. -->";
$SC['no_curl'] = 1;
// if URL has https in it, check for presence of OpenSSL
$ch = curl_init(UMURL);
// set some options for the connection
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3)) == 'WIN') {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // this line fixes
SSL communications on some Windows servers (IIS 5.0?)
// attach the data
//print "query is $query<br>";
// run the transfer
$result=curl_exec ($ch);
if(curl_errno($ch) > 0) echo "<p style='color: red'><b>cURL
ERROR#".curl_errno($ch).": ".curl_error($ch)." at ".__LINE__." in
curl_close ($ch);
return $result;
print "<html><head><title>CURL Test Page</title></head><body
style=\"font-family: verdana, helvetica, tahoma; font-size: 12pt\"><b>CURL
Test Page</b><br><br>To test a regular HTTP connection via curl to
<a href=\"?method=normal\">click here</a><br><br>
print "To test a secure HTTPS (SSL) connection via curl to
<a href=\"?method=secure\">click here</a><br>";
if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['method']) {
print "<br><b>If a page is displayed below, the test worked. Do not
worry about broken image tags. As long as you have some output from the page
below the test is valid:</b><hr width=\"100%\" height=\"2\"><br><br>";
if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['method'] == "normal") $page = "http://www.ebay.com";
if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['method'] == "secure") $page =
$page_data = ssl_connect($page);
print $page_data;
print "</body></html>";
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