Posted by Philip Ronan on 11/22/05 14:13
"Tobierre" wrote:
> I've created the below function to automatically send me an alert in outlook
> when someone completes various forms on my website.
> The problem though is that mail reports that I have only 1 of the 3 required
> parameters defined!
> I have no idea where this is going wrong, because as far as I can tell I
> have defined all 3 parameters! Can anyone spot the problem?
Try this (and see if you can spot the changes):
function alert_outlook($Type)
$Type = strtolower($Type);
case 'newsletter':
$Subject = 'message subject one here';
$Alert = "Hi,\n Just thought you would like to know that there has been
another subscription to the newsletter!\n\n";
$Subject = 'no subject';
$Alert = '';
$Alert = wordwrap($Alert, 65);
//set headers etc
$Recipient = "Auto Alerts <AutoAlerts@domain.com>";
$Message = "$Alert\n\n\n";
$Message .= 'Date: ' . date("l, js F Y") . "\n";
$Message .= 'Time: ' . date("H:i:s") . "\n";
$Message .= 'IP Address: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n\n";
$Headers = "From: Auto Mailer <AutoMailer@Domain.com>";
mail("$Recipient, $Subject, $Message, $Headers");
//error check
if(!mail("$Recipient, $Subject, $Message, $Headers"))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
phil [dot] ronan @ virgin [dot] net
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