Posted by RobG on 11/23/05 02:06
Ian Davies wrote:
> Hello
> I have found the following script php/java for dynamic menu lists. Where a
> selection from the first updates (filters items in) the other. I have
> modified it for my tables.
> However I am getting an error
When posting code, post what is received at the client (use view
source). The PHP side should be discussed in a PHP forum.
Once you have sorted out what the client should get, then you can work
out how to generate it.
> Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VAR in
> e:\domains\i\iddsoftware.co.uk\user\htdocs\QuestionDB\Questions.php on line
> 42
> line 42 being
> var mainselect = document.FormName.MainCategory;
> Im fairly new to php and dont use Java upto now. Can anyone see where I ve
> gone wrong
Asking PHP questions in a JavaScript group? Thinking JavaScript is
Java? ;-)
> <?php
> session_start();
> include("../include/connection.php");
> include("../Secure/login.php");
> $Menu='<a href="../Secure/logout.php">Logout</a><br>';
> include 'HeadQuest.php';
> $Query = "SELECT SubjectNo, SubjectDesc, StatusID FROM Subjects WHERE
> StatusID = 1 ORDER BY SubjectDesc ASC";
> $Result = mysql_query( $Query, $conn );
> ?>
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
The language attribute is deprecated, type is required:
<script type="text/javascript">
> function BodyLoad()
> {
> var select = document.FormName.MainCategory;
> select.options[0] = new Option("Choose One");
> select.options[0].value = 0;
IE has issues with setting option attributes this way. Set all the
values in one go (hey, saves a line of code too):
select.options[0] = new Option("Choose One", "0", true, true);
sets the first option to have text 'Choose One', value as '0', default
selected as true and currently selected as true.
> <?PHP
> $ctr = 1;
> While( $Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result) ) {
> echo "select.options[".$ctr."] = new
> Option(\"".$Row['SubjectNo']."\");\n";
> echo "select.options[".$ctr."].value = \"".$Row['SubjectNo']."\";\n";
> $ctr++;
> }
> ?>
> }
> function Fill_Sub()
> {
> <?PHP
> var mainselect = document.FormName.MainCategory;
> var subselect = document.FormName.SubCategory;
> if( mainselect.options[mainselect.selectedIndex].value != 0 ) {
The value of a form control is always returned as a string, so be
careful when evaluating it. In this case it is OK because the string
'0' and number 0 will be evaluated as you expect, but sometimes it will
trip you up.
> subselect.length = 0;
> }
> <TD>
> <SELECT name="SubCategory" size="4">
> </TD>
A select element with no options is invalid HTML.
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