Posted by Jack Lindamood on 11/29/05 09:13
I moved php.ini to c:\windows and I called phpinfo:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path C:\WINDOWS
I goto C:\windows and move it back to c:\php. Reload phpinfo:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path C:\WINDOWS
Both clear my browser cache and try it with a different browser:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path C:\WINDOWS
I goto c:\windows:
php.ini is not there anymore
Do an F3 search:
php.ini is only in c:\php
My extension directory line from phpinfo:
extension_dir C:\php5
My extension directory line from php.ini:
extension_dir = "c:\php\ext"
I do a search inside the file php.ini for the string "php5":
Cannot find "php5"
I don't believe I've done heavy editing to this file at all. Just
changed the error reporting level. Shouldn't php complain if the file
is corrupt? How could it be finding a phantom php file?
Thanks for the help,
Sean wrote:
> Since php is not a service it should really be reading in the .ini file
> each time it is called.
> I would check the phpinfo file just to make sure that the location of
> the ini file that is printed out there is the same one as the one I am
> editing. (Called Configuration File Path).
> If it is then I would changed the location of the php.ini file. If it
> was in the folder c:\php then move it to the windows system dir and see
> if that makes a difference or visa versa.
> If the php.ini file has been edited heavily then download a new one and
> see if that makes a difference. Just get it from the zip archive from
> the latest release.
> Hope that helps.
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